It’s currently 2:46am at the point of writing this, I’m in bed brainstorming TellersTale main plot points and I think I’ve come up with the main side story/Tellers story.
I still gotta come up with what the hell Tellers saving the spirit realm from. :P
A game would probably make things so much easier for me but 1: I cant program, 2: I’m too lazy/uninterested to learn and 3: I really should start saving my money for uni. I can’t expect someone to code a full game for me for free and IDK if I’d get anything if I set up a Patreon or a donation page.
the music and add in the teaser cost a fair amount of money and idk if I could spend that every animation.
idk, I wanna tell the full story but I don’t think it’d be as good in a novel form...
if I was to make a game I came up with a bunch of cool ideas for a battle system. Think RPG meets MMO.